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Sport Game Pick Type Capper  
CFB Florida State @ Georgia Tech Purchase PointSpread Alpha - Omega Sports
  Smu @ Nevada Purchase Over/Under Alpha - Omega Sports
  North Carolina @ Minnesota Purchase Over/Under Alpha - Omega Sports
  Coastal Carolina @ Jacksonville State Purchase Over/Under Alpha - Omega Sports
  Tcu @ Stanford Purchase Over/Under Alpha - Omega Sports
MLB San Diego Padres (Michael King) @ Baltimore Orioles (Dean Kremer) Purchase Straight Money Line Templer's Sports Picks
  Atlanta Braves (Spencer Schwellenbach) @ New York Mets (Tylor Megill) Purchase Straight Money Line Templer's Sports Picks
  Cleveland Guardians (Carlos Carrasco) @ Philadelphia Phillies (Tyler Phillips) Purchase Straight Money Line Templer's Sports Picks
  Cincinnati Reds (Andrew Abbott) @ Tampa Bay Rays (Zack Littell) Purchase Straight Money Line Templer's Sports Picks
  Minnesota Twins (Joe Ryan) @ Detroit Tigers (Tarik Skubal) Purchase Straight Money Line Templer's Sports Picks
NFL Houston Texans @ Chicago Bears Purchase PointSpread Alpha - Omega Sports